2009年2月3日 星期二

Stand Up Architecture Topic (2009-02-03)

Research motivation
After a semester of courses, I understand something new and different view of design for the facade, not only with the design concepts from the designers, more importantly, to meet their basic needs to the physical environment. This is a very different point of view from the education I got before, and also aroused my interest in facade design. In addition, by learning the theory of building physics, like heat and moisture, acoustic, such courses, and knowing how to use the software i had ever seem before, gave me many new ways of thinking. Particularly the software about building physics analysis; the software to provide adequate information to help designers to solve the problem of many of the physical environment, makes me more deeply interested in the design of facade and to solve the facade and interior space physics environmental issues.
It is because of these reasons, I hope I can continue in this semester of study in this regard.

Topic of interest
I come from an Asian country, therefore, exposed to the different ways solving the physical environment problems of different areas. Therefore, I hope to combine the previous concepts learned in Asia; and the new knowledge from my last semester here in Delft, to try to solve some practical problems. Preliminary ideas based on the existing building facade as an example, find out the solution of the physical environment problems; so as to provide the basis for an extension of the facade and another new system.
Tentative ideas to improve the old building facade mainly by using the analysis software, to identify the problems. The heat, moisture and sunlight as the main direction of research and improvement, and may try to use new materials or natural ways to improve the facade system.

1 則留言:

  1. Your area of interest and proposed approach are interesting, and it (the retrofitting of existing building facades, if I've understood correctly) seems to be a topic of continuing concern within the building industry.

    As now stated, however, it may not be possible for you to progress much with it within the short time of this course. For example, choosing an actual building (let's say the architecture faculty) and modeling its facade construction in analysis software to identify problems would be a major research effort.

    Instead, please consider choosing some particular part of the facade (of BK or some other building which you can actually visit and examine personally) and identifying one or more aspects of its performance which you find to be inadequate.

    Then you could formulate your research in terms of how to propose/design facade alterations which would improve on those aspects (preferably without seriously degrading other aspects of performance.)

